Congratulations to everyone who had their abstract accepted for the BAPM Annual Conference, and thank you to everyone who submitted. The winners of the overall prizes were:
Best Oral Presentation
Dr David Burnside, Leicester Royal Infirmary: Home Phototherapy - A Glowing Success
Best Poster
Dr Graham Martin, Medway Maritime Hospital - Infographic to Improve Research Engagement and Recruitment in NICU
You can view all the presented abstracts on the BAPM website.

David Burnside (left) and Graham Martin (right) collecting their certificates at the BAPM Annual Conference.
The winners of the individual abstract categories were...
Case Studies
Dr Swati Kumari Jha, Princess Alexandra Hospital (NICU)
Relapse of E-coli meningitis in a neonate – should we routinely repeat lumbar puncture before concluding treatment?
Dr Anna Athanasia Ntovolou, King's College Hospital
Improving provision of maternal breastmilk for preterm babies on the Neonatal Unit
Dr Alice Aveline, Imperial College London
Exploring the impact of UK probiotic use on risk of NEC, a National Neonatal Research Database study.
Submitting a conference abstract is a great way to share your work and raise your profile within the neonatal world. BAPM Members can access out 'How to write an abstract' guide or view a webinar on writing an abstract. The next opportunity to submit your abstract will be the BAPM Spring Conference.