BAPM is seeking a dedicated and enthusiastic committee members for our brand new special interest group (SIG) Nano Preterm. This multi-professional community will focus on delivering optimal care and improving outcomes for babies born 22-23+6 weeks. We are recruiting to a number of committee roles to help with the group launch and we will then expand the group to ensure representation across the MDT and geographical locations of the UK.

Aims of the Nano Preterm Group

  1. To build a collaborative community of multi-professionals that meet regularly to discuss experiences and share learning, with an aim to improve the care and outcomes of the smallest and most preterm babies.
  2. To identify areas of uncertainty and challenges which will inform quality improvement initiatives and research recommendations. Nano-Preterm Special Interest Group Terms of Reference.
  3. To support, facilitate and participate in regional, national and international research that will inform improvements in care and outcomes for the most preterm babies.
  4. To organise and support educational and networking events that focus on the care of the smallest and most preterm babies.
  5. To develop practical resources that will support neonatal teams to deliver consensus best practice care for babies born at 22 weeks. This may include a consensus framework of principles of best practice where there is a lack of research and evidence. 

About the inaugural committee roles and responsibilities

Chair – Sets the agenda and chairs committee meetings, leads and facilitates discussions, ensures actions and responsibilities across work plans are on track and liaises with individual members, BAPM and other relevant organisations. Acts as spokesperson for the SIG.

Meeting Secretary – maintains list of Executive Committee members, sets up online meetings, circulates notes after meetings, maintains an action log. First point of call to respond to external queries.

Research Lead – responsible for development and maintenance of the research work plan for the group. This may include supporting, promoting and facilitating research studies, signposting the latest research to group members or identifying and recommending research priorities,

Education Lead – to take responsibility for development and maintenance of the education work plan for the group.

QI Lead – to take responsibility for development and maintenance of the QI work plan for the group.

Skills needed

  • Knowledge and experience of the care of babies born at 22-23 weeks.
  • Excellent communication and organisational skills.
  • Ability to work collaboratively with a diverse team of professionals.

How to Apply

Interested applicants should complete this form. You may apply for a maximum of two roles. For any role that receives more than one application a vote of Nano Preterm members will be held. 

Applicants must be members of the Nano Preterm Special Interest Group of BAPM and working in the UK. All applications will be reviewed by the BAPM Executive Committee for suitability. Please note that if a vote is needed then your form answers will be circulated to the wider Nano Preterm membership as part of the election process.

Nominations close on 2 March.

Apply here

British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1199712 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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