BAPM members are asked to review a list of actions and rate them as high, medium or low priority based on where they'd like to see BAPM put their resources for the next strategic period.

The shortlist of actions has been drawn up by the BAPM Executive Committee using data from the member survey and feedback from working and steering groups. The committee will use the results of this review to draw up a final version of the strategy for publication in the Spring.

Prioritise actions

Actions are grouped under the following areas of interest:

  1. Advocating for perinatal professionals, babies and their families.
  2. Developing evidence and consensus based best practice guidance.
  3. Supporting and promoting QI, research and effective governance in perinatal care.
  4. Facilitating sharing, networking and learning opportunities for neonatal professionals.

In addition to these new actions, BAPM will continue with the following 'business as usual':

  • Produce high quality frameworks for practice for neonatal care. Topics can be suggested by any BAPM member or stakeholder which are regularly prioritised at the BAPM Executive Committee meetings. 
  • Running multi professional accessible conferences and regular member webinars providing networking opportunities and fostering collaboration. These will continue to showcase the latest research and innovative work being done in the UK and beyond. 
  • Keep members up to date with the latest news in perinatal care including safety alerts and national reports. 
  • Attracting and retaining members to BAPM across the full MDT in all levels of unit throughout the UK.
  • Advocating for our members, babies and their families at a national level. 

Deadline to respond: 2 March 2025

British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1199712 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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