BAPM and BAPS are seeking members to join a pilot forum to improve standards in neonatal surgery.

The Neonatal Surgical Forum (NSF) will be a national multi-professional group that will share expertise, coordinate national initiatives and answer queries. The initial pilot will run from June 2025-June 2026 with plans to extend the group if successful. Plans for the first 12 months include the development and publication of a research priority list, running a neonatal surgical webinar, contributing a framework on NEC and development of a work plan for the next steps of the group.

Aims of the Neonatal Surgical Forum (NSF)

  • Act as a single voice for the British Isles and point of contact for the multi-professional neonatal surgery team.
  • Facilitation of collaborative engagement between stakeholders in neonatal surgery to share updates and avoid duplication.
  • Make recommendations regarding priorities for guidance and research in neonatal surgery and assist with the coordination of such national initiatives with partner stakeholders and other relevant organisations.
  • Coordinate and/or deliver educational activities to the multi-professional neonatal surgery team.
  • Oversee agreed projects to co-produce frameworks and consensus guidance.
    Engage with and ensure parental participation in national strategy plans and workstreams.
  • Act as an expert forum for queries on neonatal surgery.

Full Terms of Reference are below.

Current vacancies

  • Representative for neonatal trainees
  • Representative for NICUs
  • Representative for LNUs/SCUs
  • Representative for paediatric surgical trainees
  • Representative for Paediatric Surgeons no maternity on site
  • Representative for Paediatric Surgeons with maternity on site
  • Representative for neonatal nurses / ANNPS
  • Representative for neonatal surgical nurses
  • Representative for for Scotland (optional, dependent on above representation)
  • Representatives for Wales (optional, dependent on above representation)
  • Representatives for NI (optional, dependent on above representation)
  • Representative for Republic of Ireland (optional, dependent on above representation)
  • Representative for England (optional, dependent on above representation) 

Skills needed

  • Knowledge and experience of neonatal surgery.
  • Excellent communication and organisational skills.
  • Ability to work collaboratively with a diverse team of professionals.

How to Apply

Interested applicants should complete this form. You may apply for a maximum of two roles.

If you would like to apply but do not fit any of the roles with current vacancies then you can apply under the ‘other’ category. BAPM/BAPS members will be given priority. If you have any questions about the forum or would like to comment on the terms of reference please contact the BAPM Office.

Nominations close on 27 April 2025.

Terms of Reference - Neonatal Surgical Forum (PDF)
British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1199712 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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