Booking for the Neonatal Society Summer Meeting is open now!
This hybrid conference showcases the latest in perinatal and neonatal research and is aimed at an audience of paediatric, obstetric and neonatal doctors and ANNPs, at all levels of training, as well as clinical and basic perinatal science researchers.
The conference features special guest lectures, as well as being a great opportunity to network.
Invited speakers include
Prof Caroline Crowther, University of Auckland
Antenatal magnesium sulphate for fetal neuroprotection: building evidence from experimental medicine, imaging, trials, and metanalysis
Jennifer Zeitlin, Senior Research Scientist, INSERM Paris
The future of federated research for improving the health of children born preterm
Dr Ronit Pressler, University College London
The development and assessment of novel therapies for the treatment of neonatal seizures
Prof George Davey Smith, University of Bristol
Strengthening causal inference in antenatal and neonatal epidemiology