BAPM is working with Bliss on all FICare resources.
FICare is a model of delivering care in neonatal units which empowers parents to be primary caregivers, working as equal partners with staff in the care of their baby.
During the COVID-19 outbreak an FIC model can be particularly beneficial to both parents and staff.
Bliss information and support for parents
Bliss has dedicated information about COVID-19 for parents which is being regularly updated, and is also offering online emotional support for parents through video chat (in place of Bliss Champion volunteers offering this face-to-face on units)
Making Family Integrated Care Work during COVID-19
Just a few examples of the amazing work being done to support families at this difficult time.
Supporting Parents' Mental Health
information for neonatal healthcare professionals from Bliss
Talking to children about Coronavirus
Advice from the British Psychological Society
Resources for parents of children with additional needs during the COVID 19 outbreak
A presentation from the Swansea Bay University Health Board
Anxiety and COVID-19- Advice for families
Information sheet from Swansea Bay University Health Board
Staying well when social distancing
Top Tips from the Royal College of Occupational Therapists
Coping with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak
Advice from WHO
Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak
Advice from WHO
Useful links - about FIC
Imperial's FICare Website (UK)
BMJ Article - Family Integrated Care: changing the culture in the neonatal unit
Network review - A review of Family Integrated Care (FiCare) - A Case for change across the NWNODN?
vCreate is a Secure Video Messaging service which allows nursing staff in Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Units to record short video clips and photos and share them with parents and relatives when they are unable to be with their child in the unit. This provides reassurance and helps minimise separation anxiety and forms a video diary which parents can download and keep when their child leaves the unit.
Funded via a sponsor-led model, vCreate comes at no cost to parents or the unit and is approved for use in over 100 hospitals in the UK. Units wishing to implement the service for their parents can visit vCreate's website and register for a demo. They should speak to their charity about funding the service in exchange for a presence on the system plus the opportunity to add a “donate” button for extended family who may wish to contribute. vCreate will provide all documentation required for Information Governance as well as ICT.