What can BAPM Endorse?

From 2025 BAPM will only be endorsing the following items:

1. Staffing standards for neonatal professional roles.

2. An external project or guideline that has been developed with BAPM involvement. (Anyone wishing to apply for BAPM endorsement under this category must request BAPM support at the start of the project. Requests will be reviewed by the BAPM Executive Committee at their committee meetings which occur every 3-4 months.)

Endorsement of Staffing standards

More details on endorsement of staffing standards are coming soon, in the meantime please contact the BAPM office for support.

Application for BAPM endorsement for external projects or guidelines

Step 1 - Apply to register the project with the BAPM office and request a BAPM representative.

If you wish for BAPM to endorse your project or guideline you must request BAPM support at the start of the project. Please complete the form below to provide details of the project and request a BAPM representative to join your working group. If there are already BAPM members on the working group you can suggest one of these represent BAPM but this will need to be approved. Requests will be reviewed by the BAPM Executive Committee at their committee meetings which occur every 3-4 months.)

Request a BAPM Representative

Step 2 - Keep BAPM informed

The BAPM representative is responsible for updating the BAPM committee with updates on the project.

Step 3 - Apply for endorsement

When the document is finished you can complete the application form to apply for endorsement.

Working in Partnership Endorsement Application Form
British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1199712 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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