The BAPM EDI Steering Group

The BAPM Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Steering Group is a multi professional group of perinatal professionals that leads BAPM's EDI work.

The group aims to support BAPM's EDI Lead on the Executive Committee to agree and carry out work to ensure that BAPM is a safe, welcoming and inclusive organisation.

The initial projects identified are:

  • Undertake a review of the data BAPM collects on members and volunteers to enable us to better measure how representative BAPM volunteers are of the wider membership.
  • Develop an inclusive language guide for BAPM publications.

Group Members

Mo Mustapha, Dietician (Group Chair)
Maya Asir, Speech and Language Therapist
Khadiga Hussien, Paeds Trainee (ST5)
Daniela Machado, Neonatal Nurse
Natalie Gallagher, ST8 Neonatal Registrar
Katy Parnell, Neonatal Speech and Language Therapist
Kris Ramlogan, Specialty Registrar in Paediatrics
Amitava Sur, Consultant Neonatologist
Fola Egbewole, Neonatal Lead & Co-Chair MNVP

Please contact the EDI Steering Group Members through the BAPM Office.


British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1199712 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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