General Questions
How do the neonatal data flow within the UK?
How can you access the data for quality improvement and/or research?
What do the different terms commonly associated with UK neonatal data mean?
Who are the different organisations that work with neonatal data?
Neonatal Data Sets
What is the difference between summary records (SR) and electronic patient records (EPR)?
What is an approved NHS Information Standard?
What variables are in the NDS?
Who decides what is in the NDS?
National Neonatal Audit Programme (NNAP)
How does NNAP decide on the audit measures?
How is the quality of the data submitted to NNAP being assured?
Do parents have to consent for the data to be used in the NNAP?
Does NNAP provide individual patient data for research or quality improvement?
Does NNAP link to other datasets?
National Neonatal Research Database (NNRD)
Why do we have to pay to get data out of the NNRD?
What recent changes have there been?
Do parents have to consent for the data to be used in NNRD?
Do neonatal units have to provide consent for their data to be included in studies using the NNRD?