Support for families on the neonatal unit
Bliss is a National Charity for babies born premature or sick. The website has lots of information and support for parents / carers while their baby is in the neonatal unit including a directory of other useful organisations.
Bliss has collated a set of FAQs about the Neonatal Care Leave and Pay Act from April 2025.
Raising concerns or making a complaint
In all cases we hope that problems can be resolved by discussion with staff on the unit. If you are not satisfied with the response you have had, you could also speak to one of the following about how you can raise a complaint or concern through the formal NHS process:
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) (England and Wales)
Patient Advice and Support Service (Scotland)
Patient & Client Council (Northern Ireland)
Maternity and Neonatal Voice Partnerships
Raising a concern about health and social care services - Llais Wales
Making a complaint - Birthrights charity
Self-help guides - Action Against Medical Accidents charity
Requesting a second opinion
If you would like to request an external second opinion on your baby’s care or treatment plan, you can find a helpful guide for families from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH).